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DBE Subcontractors Requested

DBE Subcontractors/Supplier Bids/Proposals Requested
Company: Vontas
Owner: Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LACMTA) for the Advanced Transportation Management System II (ATMS II)
Request for Proposal No. PS122845
Bid/Proposal Submittal Date: September 6, 2024
Dates of Advertisement: July 11, 2024 through August 2, 2024.
This advertisement in La Opinion is in response to LACMTA’s DBE Program. Vontas intends to conduct itself in «Good Faith» with DBE Firms regarding participation on this project. Representatives from Vontas will be reviewing the opportunity to partner as a DBE firm on their proposal to the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LACMTA) for the Advanced Transportation Management System II (ATMS II). The project and subcontractor quotes will be due on August 2, 2024 (extensions may be granted). Please Submit Bids/Proposals for the following work (but not limited to): Business Process Reengineering, Field Service, Hardware & Infrastructure, Implementation & Installation, Material Logistics, Manufacturing, Organizational Change Management, Project Management, Quality Assurance, System Engineer Support, and Training. Bid proposal plans, specifications, and other documents will be reviewed in our office Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM CST.
Company Contact: Shawn Rice, Senior Director of Business Development at Vontas
Phone: (319) 743-1000
Office: 606 S. Olive Street, 23rd Floor, Los Angeles. CA 90014

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